Qui Sentit Commodum Sentire Debet Et Onus [#2] 2019


Oil on canvas board, 53.5 x 43.5 cm (framed).

The maxim Qui Sentit Commodum Sentire Debet Et Onus, translates (to the effect) ‘He who benefits must pay’.

Echoing calls for consideration of polluter pay reckoning between the global north and south, this maxim captured Ross's interest. But where to put these words – and how?  This oil painting was created in conjunction with an additional work -  Qui Sentit Commodum Sentire Debet Et Onus [#1], not here hung, but pictured below.  Port Adelaide, with its long-term industrial character, appealed to Ross as an aesthetically appropriate subject matter for her creative construction, not only because the structures lend themselves to the narrative investigated, but also because of the ability to stand back so as to take in the whole scene. Here we see the positioning of industry close to the sea for convenience of transportation - and waste disposal.  Environmental law making has since regulated 'end of pipe' emissions to waterways.

The fact of proximity to the sea inlet in Port Adelaide allowed a distant view capture of the industrial forms, leaving space in the image to accommodate the words planned for inclusion. On the evening of the photoshoot, a magnificent sunset emerged. The colourful digital capture, with in-camera Fuji GFX 50S digital Velvia colour cast film-simulation, was later purposefully desaturated through the process of translation in direct to plate (DTP) production of a photopolymer plate. The plate was inked with sepia intaglio ink and printed. A digital chine-colle layer with the maxim set out as text, was added in the printing process.


Qui Sentit commodum sentire debet et onus copy

Qui Sentit Commodum Sentire Debet Et Onus [#1], 2020.