Everything is Connected #1
Seven (7) oil paintings on canvas sheets (each framed, individually 59.5 x 42 cm), 2023 hung together as one polyptych + two oil on linen paintings - Message as a Bottle, 2019,51 x 61 cm, and Landscape (Oratunga # 4), 2019, 36 x 61 cm (framed).
This installation commences with a plastic vessel afloat at sea, representative of the many million tons of plastic situate in oceans, land and the atmosphere.
Tidal movements carry plastic waste (in macro and micro forms) through the oceans, seas and smaller tributaries onto shorelines.
Individually framed oil paintings combine as a continuous watery scene, mimicking the appearance of contact printed film strips. The seven oil painted panels allude to a channel for conveyance of plastic waste from sea to land fall. Closer to shore, exchange of oceanic waters with sands, soils and river inputs are known to discolour and pollute ocean waters. This is a situation evident in South Australia's south coast over recent times. This exchange of sea and soils are implied in the later polyptych panels. The last of the frames was inspired by the landscape of Australia's interior; specifically in South Australia's northern Flinders Ranges. The Flinders Ranges comprises an ancient landscape, once partially subsumed by an inland sea, evidence of which is recorded in the stratified rocky formations and fossils.